Bunch of posters designed for Instytut Spraw Publicznych (The Institute Of Public Affairs) events (since october 2015). All of them designed in very short time - about one day (max two) for each, because of very tight deadlines in ISP. Of course i would like to have some more time to work on concept, details and stuff but - you take what you can, right?
Bunch of posters designed for Instytut Spraw Publicznych (The Institute Of Public Affairs). Since our cooperation started in october of 2015, we've always try to complement theirs events (debates, lectures, meetings) with author's illustrations. The goal is to make (usually) serious and rigid topics a little bit lighter in reception. Very tight deadlines doesn't allow us to make complex and detailed compositions, so we need to work in simple, schematic style insted. The key is to keep the range of colors limited and to show the subject in a creative, eye-catching way.