Hello! My name is Daniel, and under the name of STUDIO SARNA I do graphic design.

Kooperatyzm book covers series
Kooperatyzm Book covers
Geokonstruktion LOGO+BRANDING
Norge branding
Republic of Patterns thumbnail
Republic of Patterns LOGO + BRANDING

What can i help you with

  • Logo
  • visual identity
  • Branding
  • poster
  • vector illustration
  • brochure
  • art direction
  • book/album cover
  • prints
  • infographic
  • Landing page
  • Interface
  • Key visual
  • packaging

We have invited Studio Sarna to work with us several times so far. Daniel listened carefully to our needs and responded creatively. He proposed precise visual solutions, but also knew how to describe them brilliantly, justifying his choices and showing the potential of the graphics in a broader context. Thanks to this approach, the design process was very pleasant and dynamic, and the result of the work was clear and impressive!

Małgosia Żmijska
The Mamy Projekt collective

The graphic solutions proposed by Daniel have formed the visual identity of many events organized by the Institute of Public Affairs, perfectly matching the specificity and profile of our organization. Daniel was able to graphically capture the essence of the idea behind organized debates or seminars. We also appreciated his professional approach and flexibility.

Dominik Owczarek
Institute of Public Affairs

Daniel Guszta creates graphic concepts for ISP that not only create a consistent visual identity for our many events and projects, but also perfectly reflect the character and mission of our organization. His ability to translate the important ideas of debates and seminars into attractive visuals is truly impressive. We appreciate his professionalism, creativity and flexibility, which are reflected in the exceptional quality of the projects implemented.

Rafał Załęski
Institute of Public Affairs

We’ve worked with Dan for many years at Loki Creative, and his keen eye for detail, precision, and dedication truly set him apart. He meticulously explores every avenue, conducts thorough testing, and always communicates his rationale, ensuring his design solutions are both thoughtful and effective.

Loki Paul Irwin
Loki Paul Irwin
Paul Irwin
Loki Creative
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Is there a project on your mind? Let's talk about it!

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