Kooperatyzm book cover


  • art direction
  • book cover
  • prints

“Kooperatyzm” series, published by Oficyna Naukowa, is devoted to the development of the idea of cooperatism in Poland in the 20th century. It consists of 11 separate titles. My task was to create a cohesive visual design for this project.

The creation process was heavily stretched over time. The first book was published in 2016, the last in 2020. So the main concept had time to mature and evolve during this time. Originally, all covers were to be as simple and schematic as possible. Due to the suggestions of following authors, and the need to capture the theme well, we started to develop this idea into more complex compositions. What all had in common, was exactly the same color palette, consisting of only two shades. This was not an easy task, and required several compromises. In the end, however, a satisfactory solution was found for each of the books. They were given a kind of distinctiveness, while clearly identifying themselves as part of a larger whole.

Kooperatyzm covers 4-6
Kooperatyzm covers
Kooperatyzm covers 1-3
Kooperatyzm book photo
Kooperatyzm covers 7-9
Books photo
Kooperatyzm books stack
Kooperatyzm book detail

Shortly after the publication of the last title, I received a pleasant surprise. “Kooperatyzm” was discovered by Patryk Mogilnicki, who was collecting material for his book on contemporary Polish book cover design. The covers I created, along with a short introduction, joined the ranks of excellent works designed by homebred artists. The book was published by Karakter on November 8, 2021.

Kooperatyzm welcome page
Kooperatyzm books pack

Knowing the ingenuity of Daniel’s designs, I decided to give him quite a challenge – a contemporary design for the rather antiquarian theme of a book series on the history of cooperatives…. Moreover, the design was to be modeled on the graphics and lettering of interwar Polish modernism. No one could have done it better than Daniel – the covers conveyed a retro-modern vibe, hit the essence of the scientific message of the series, and, well, caught the eye of hipsters, which allowed them to land on the shelves of many trendy boutique bookstores 😉

Bartłomiej Błesznowski
Co-initiator and editor of the series


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