Norge cover


  • Branding
  • Key visual
  • Landing page
  • Logo
  • packaging

Nørge is, in a nutshell, dietary supplements based on OMEGA 3 acids. The idea for the brand originated in Norway, and its products were intended for Central European markets. Together with Media Parner Creative Digital (MP), we were faced with the task of creating the right image for this venture. MP were responsible for the strategic part, while I took care of the visuals.

We’ve set our sights on clean scandinavian minimalism to highlight product’s origin. Norway, after all, is a harsh but clean nature, good environmental awareness and high quality raw materials. I created a simple logotype based on balanced lettering with a distinctive ø. I paid a lot of attention to the weight and contrast of each character, their style and even the space between them. I based the color palette on navy blue and pastel red. The inspiration, of course, was the flag of Norway. However, I made white the dominant color – using it as a background. This introduces a lot of light and “breath” into the designs. It also emphasizes cleanliness, order and modernity.

Norge stamp
Norge logo grid
Norge typography

I also created key visual and packaging design. A lot of initial concepts were created, which were united by the aforementioned scandinavian minimalism. From among the collected ideas, we jointly decided on a very simple solution. A coastline, a red wooden house and a boat, drawn in a very spare, geometric style. This illustration, combined with the logotype and the name of each product, became the basis for packaging, labels and promotional graphics.

For packaging, I also selected additional supporting colors to the basic color palette. One for each of the 7 product varieties. This is to organize the visual communication and make it easier for customers to find the right variant on the store shelf or online.

Norge jar
Norge website
Norge footer


Geokonstruktion LOGO+BRANDING

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