Torbacze Branding


  • Branding
  • Logo
  • prints
  • Social Media GFX

Torbacze offers zero waste products. These are mainly 100% Cotton Canvas Drawstring Pouch, metal straws and cotton pads. The brand is addressed to conscious consumer willing to contribute in some way to slowing climate change. “This project is more of a mission and hobby than a source of income.” – Alicja, the founder of Torbacze, conclude. My task was to build a simple visual identity, emphasizing the ecological, local and family-oriented nature of the company.

Although the name (translated to english as Marsupials) brings associations rather with a kangaroo or koala, we decided to take a sparrow as a symbol. Birds of this species accompany Alicja on a daily basis. Her house, at the same time, is the site of over a dozen sparrow nests. In addition, a sparrow is a much better image of a local, small company from this part of the world. I built the icon based on five circles and a few straight lines. The result is a minimalist, geometric sparrow that forms the basis of the corporate identity.

Torbacze photo

On next step, i selected the color palette and typography. I also created a simple pattern for promotional use (flyers, tags etc). I also prepared the logo in an additional, stacked version – with the name spread over 2 rows. Using this set, I created quite a few graphics for social media, banners and some printed materials over the next few years.

Torbacze branding
Torbacze social media
Torbacze branding flyer
Torbacze product photo

Daniel is a very talented and communicative designer. Working with him has always been smooth, as he is able to balance market requirements with aesthetic issues and is very open to dialogue.

Ala Torbacze
Ala Torbacze
Alicja Konieczka


Republic of Patterns thumbnail
Republic of Patterns LOGO + BRANDING

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